Twitter: @DotKeepers


Yes, you can train your Dot to learn tricks!  If you are reading this you have probably already done the in-game Tricks tutorial, but may not have taken too much notice of the instructions, so we'll provide a short reminder here.

There are currently (12th June 2023) eight Tricks that your Dot can learn: Booty Shake, Down, Paw, Sit, Stand, Jump, Spin, and Roll Over.

So, how do you teach your Dot a Trick?  Well, it's fairly simple, the first thing to do is to open your backpack and line up some food for your Dot.

Then, drag the food to the centre circle (don't throw the food!), you can let go now - the food will remain where it is.  We suggest that you practise by using food that is the easiest for you to gather by Foraging (and for most Keepers that will be a Sandwich).

Now, let's say you want to teach your Dot to 'Stand'.  From the centre circle, carefully drag the food to the circle directly above (top centre) and let go.

The food will fall to the bottom of your screen, ready for you then throw it to your Dot.  That's all there is to it!  Repeat as many times as necessary for your Dot to complete the training for that particular Trick (the number of times you need to do this varies between 2 and 5, depending on the particular Trick).

Some Tricks are a little more complex and require you to drag the food items to multiple circles in a set sequence.  do this by simply dragging the food in the direction of each arrow in sequence.  Do not return the ball to the centre circle, just move the food one space from where it currently is.  If you release the Food before you complete the sequence correctly your Dot will be confused and not learn the Trick this time but you can then try again! 

If you want a quick infographic showing the 'Roll Over' Trick (this one requires 3 moves), just tap the button below and it will appear in a pop-up.

So, what now? you may ask.  Your Dot has learned all of the available Tricks but can they perform them?

The short answer is no at moment.  Tricks are currently used only to fulfil Desires (or alleviate 10 minutes of boredom if you are that way inclined!).  But - that may be set to change, in a future release it is likely that your Dot will be able to perform Tricks whilst in camera mode so you can snapshot a pic or record a Gif of them performing.

"tricks_open_camera" exists as a key in the language pack and has a translation of "Use in Camera", so one option may be that you tap a Trick in your Dot's information screen, and you then have the opportunity to see the Trick performed  for you whilst in camera mode.

The other option of course, is that completed Tricks appear as buttons whilst in camera mode and you simply tap them there, although this would make the camera mode screen unduly cluttered.  We can only wait and see!

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